• Isabel Roessler
  • 1. Januar 2015

CHE-AP183: Within the last thirty years, the discussion about a third mission of universities has increased – a so-called mission in addition to teaching and research. Third Mission has become a multidimensional approach, containing cultural, social as well as political and economic dimensions. In many ways, Third Mission can be seen as an umbrella term for all HEI activities that are engaging with society. In particular, Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) are very active in a wide range of Third Mission dimensions.
To approach the topic of Third Mission, this paper focuses on the following two questions: 1) What is the “third mission” of universities? 2) Does Third Mission already exist at German Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS)? The results of this paper are based on a literature review and 49 qualitative interviews. Both have been conducted in the project “FIFTH: Facets of and Indicators for Research and Third Mission at Universities of Applied Sciences”. A new structure of Third Mission is introduced and discussed in this paper: preconditions, activities, results, and consequences of Third Mission. The authors argue that this gives a much more precise view on Third Mission and its performance dimensions than presented in previous research on Third Mission.Autoren:
Roessler, Isabel; Duong, Sindy; Hachmeister, Cort-Denis: Teaching, Research and more?!
Achievements of Universities of Applied Sciences with regard to Society, Gütersloh, 2015, 23 Seiten,
ISBN 978-3-941927-63-6,
ISSN 1862-7188


  • 478.45 KB Dateigröße

Isabel Roessler

Senior Projektmanagerin

Tel.: +49 5241 9761-43
Fax: +49 5241 9761-40
E-Mail: Isabel.Roessler@che.de

Anita Schmitz
Tel.: +49 5241 9761-41

Fachhochschulen / Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften, Third Mission an Hochschulen, Transfer, Hochschulentwicklung
