Staatliche Steuerung, Hochschulräte, Studienfinanzierung, Studentenwerke

Key activities at the CHE

  • Boards of trustees
  • BAföG reform / CHE student loan test
  • Tuition fees
  • Student Services / Student Services Organisations
  • State higher education acts
  • Reform monitoring
  • Governance
  • Higher education management
  • Names of the HEIs
  • Privat Universities

Higher education

  • “Politikal Management & Public Affairs” at Quadriga University Berlin.
  • Educational Studies, Psychology and Sociology at Universität Bonn, completed with a thesis on “Roman Herzog’s impetus on education policy during his term as Federal President”

Professional experience

  • Assistant at the office of the Bund-Länder Commission for Educational Planning and Research Promotion (BLK) in Bonn.
  • Member of the Hochschulrat (Governing Board) of Giessen School of Theology (deputy chairman of the board since 2013).
  • Member of the Hochschulrat (Governing Board) of Theological College Ewersbach (deputy chairman since 2012)
  • Joined the CHE in 2002



Higher Education Institutions Need Strategies for the Digital Age 1. January 2017 132.30 KB 3467 downloads

Digitalization is changing our higher education institutions – a transition that...

As Dead as a Dodo? Student Fees in Germany 12. April 2014 0.00 KB 1575 downloads

Müller, Ulrich; Rischke, Melanie: As Dead as a Dodo? Student Fees in Germany, in:...

„Auch das ist Hochschule?!“ - Neue Herausforderungen erfordern einen offenen Hochschulbegriff 1. January 2014 440.51 KB 2115 downloads

CHE-AP176: In Germany as well as worldwide, the ideal of the „World Class Research...

Governing Boards in German Higher Education Institutions - Purposes, Roles and Factors for Success or Failure 12. April 2012 0.00 KB downloads

Müller, Ulrich; Winde, Mathias: Governing Boards in German Higher Education Institutions...

„Was macht eigentlich … das Ministerium?“ - Überlegungen zu Wissenschaftsministerien von morgen 1. January 2010 565.92 KB 3675 downloads

CHE-AP132: Higher education institutions in Germany have been operating under significantly...

best practice-Club „Familie in der Hochschule“ - Instrumente und Ansätze für familienorientierte Hochschulen 1. January 2010 10.61 MB 4672 downloads

CHE-AP136: The Family in Higher Education Institutions best practice club was founded...

Evaluierung des Modellversuchs „Ergebnisorientierte Selbststeuerung“ an der Technischen Universität Dresden 1. January 2007 1.01 MB 9521 downloads

CHE-AP84: This report presents the results of the evaluation of the ’result-oriented...

Die Einführung und Gestaltung von Studienbeiträgen - eine CHEckliste für Hochschulen. Arbeitspapier Nr. 73 1. January 2006 331.12 KB 18273 downloads

(The Introduction and Design of Tuition Fees in the German Higher Education System -...

Studienbeiträge: Regelungen der Länder im Vergleich. Arbeitspapier Nr. 78 1. January 2006 546.78 KB 14819 downloads

CHE-AP78: In 2005 and 2006, six German Laender undertook the necessary legal steps...